Saturday, May 29, 2010

Mango Mint Soup

I have a ripe mango sitting in my fridge. Might as well turn it into something useful before it goes to the garbage.

Ingredients Recipe:
1 large mango, peeled and destoned 1/2 onion, chopped 1/2 cup cold water 1 tsp of Badia's Habanero pepper sauce juice from 1 lemon 1/2 tsp grated or minced ginger, 1 sprig of mint leaves.

Peel and destone a ripe mango. God, I love the color of mango :)

Add pulp, ginger, mint leaves and lemon juice to blender.

Add Badia Habanero pepper sauce, or add a fresh chilli pepper instead.

Add chopped onion. I would have used a shallot instead, but I didn't have one...

Add 1/4 cup water and then puree the sucker.

I transferred it to a container and refridged it to let the ingredients absorb into one another.
It's so beautiful! :)

I will eat for dinner, but I am not sure what exactly pairs well with mango soup...

And I think I may have put too much ginger.

We shall see.

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